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zulkarnain; RETRO-ROC
220889; LEO
nanyang polytechnic; NURSING
foreign bodies; DANCE
stagearts; DRAMA



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aisha SA
agi SGS
akram SGS
alan FB
amalina SGS
amin SA
amira PAE
andee FB
annabelle SGS
araxes SGSB
arisa FB
arjuna FB
aslany SGS
atikah PAE
atiqah PAE
audrey FB

basirah NYP
bernice FB
beverly FB
bro faisal
bro ismail

connie FB
corey SGS

daphne FB
daryl FB
dawn FB
deanna FB
deej NYP
delon SGSB
dilys NR0716
dina SGSB

elaine FB
erny SA
ernie SGS
eunice SA

faey SGS/NYP
fiona FB
firdaus SGSB
Foreign Bodies

germaine SA

hafidza PAE
hasmidah FB
haziqah SGS
hidayah PAE
huazhen SGSB
huda NYP

idah FB
ilham SA
ili FB
isabella FB

jannah NR0716
jeannie FB
jenny PAE
jessica SGS
joanne NR0716

kah sing FB
kayathree SGS
kaye SA
kenneth SA
krisstle SGS

li zhen SGSB
linda SGS
linda SGSB
longzhen NYP
lydia FB

mariam NYP/BFF
monsters! NR0716
Moretrust Transport & Services

nadia SGS
nazrina SGS
nick SA
nina NYP
nisa SGS
nurul NR0716

peibao PAE
priscilla FB

qiao yi SGS
quraishah SGS

rabia SA/BFF
raidah NR0716
rohani PAE
royalists! NR0716

sanwan SA
seri SGS
SGS Symphonic Band
shalene NR0716
sherman NR0716
shidah NR0716
shih yann SGSB
shihui PAE
shu ling SGSB
si on SGSB
siti SGSB
sivam SGS
StageArts Drama
suk kian NR0716/FB
suzyla NYP
swee yee NR0716
syakira FB
syazwani SGSB
syidah SA

tricia FB

vincent FB

watie SGS
wendy NR0716

yana SA
yatassha SA/BFF
yismin FB
ysabel FB
yuslinda PAE
yu zhen SGSB
yvonee PAE

zulaiha SGS
zulkifli PAE




December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009


There are many words that can describe how I'm feel for right now.
Upset, because I failed my supplementary paper.
Confused, about many things but I don't really know what I'm confused about.
Sad, because I don't think I can go for the Bangkok trip with my BFF.
Happy, thanks to the people around me.

I have done lots of things for the past 2 weeks.
There're no days when I'm at home for the whole day. Hehh.
I lepak with Hidayat.
I went to school to dance.
I went to school for AN 3 tutorials and lectures.
I met up with Syarif & the gang.
I met up with my classmates.
I met up with my BFF.
And many many more lahh. Haha!
Keeping myself busy is what I like to do. Yepps.

I'm gonna be VERY VERY BUSY for the next few weeks to come.
I need to come back to school for lesson for another 6 weeks.
I need to come back to school for dance practice as there're upcoming performances.
And I'm having my gerontology posting for the next 4 weeks.
For my gerontology posting, I'm given a day off on Thursday due to a clash in the timing, but I need to do make up on Saturday.

Friends really makes me happy.
When my friends aren't around, I tend to daydream and at the same time, I feel so emotionless.
When they're around, I tend to get high and forget about what have been bothering me.
I don't wanna mention names.
But if you have spent your time with me, that's you I'm talking about.
Thanks, my dear friends. (:

Okay lahh, I don't know what to say already.
So I'll end here for now.

11:37 AM

Friday, October 09, 2009


I'm back again!
I know you all miss me, right? Haha!

There're lots of things I wanna share, but I'm just too lazy to update. Hehh.
Okay, here it goes...

5th October

I went to jalan raya with some of my FB-mates.
In the beginning, the number of people who can turn up was about 10.
And guess what, we ended with only 5 people.
But it's okay, quality is better than quantity.
Yepps, I have quality of fun with Anisah, Sharifah, Leila and Basirah although I might be quiet most of the times.
But what I enjoyed most was when we're playing 'Rock Band' at Sharifah's place. Hehh.
To Ili, we're really really sorry that we can't make it to your place at the very last minute due to circumstances.
I hope you understand. Yepps.

7th October

I went to jalan raya with Rafidah, Khairul, Azhar, Hidayat and his girlfriend.
Do you know what Hidayat and his girlfriend wear for the outing?
Hidayat wear t-shirt and shorts and his girlfriend wear t-shirt and skirt. HAHA!
Hidayat really makes me laugh like hell.
His lame jokes and actions were too funny to handle. HAHA!
Anyways, we only managed to visit a few houses because we met up quite late.
But at least we had lots and lots of fun. Yepps.

9th October

I accompanied Hidayat to little India.
He went for an interview for a job at 7-Eleven at Little India.
Congrats for getting the job!
So after the interview, we sat at La Salle.
We talk, slack, eat, listen to music and smoke there. Hehh.
We then walked to Dhoby Ghaut.
We walked around and I'm so happy that I saw the buttons which I've been looking for.
Minutes later, Hidayat complained that he's very sleepy. LOL.
Being a nice friend that I am, I treat him a cup of coffee. Hehh.
Guess what, he can actually survive by not eating for the whole day.
I salute him for that. Hehh.
But the bad thing is that he can't live without cigarettes. LOL.
I also salute his girlfriend because she can accept Hidayat for what he is.
In a relationship, I feel that both the guy and the girl must accept each other for what the partner is. Yepps.
Anyways, I feel that he have changed for the better compare to the time when I last saw him.
So after that, I rushed to school for some FB stuffs. Yepps.

Okay lahh, lazy to continue. LOL.

8:31 AM

Monday, October 05, 2009


I've had a very very greaaaaat time yesterday.
Because some of my classmates, secondary schoolmates and nursing friends came to my place.
It's greaaaaaaat to see them again.
And yes, I so-called organised an open house yesterday.
I only invited some of my nursing friends and my secondary schoolmates.
Those I didn't invite, that doesn't mean I don't love you guys yea.
As long as you love me, I'll love you. Hehh.
Anyways, to those who came, thanks many many yea.
I really hope you guys enjoy yourself.
Especially the FOOOOD! HAHH!
But the person who I really really need to thank is my mum.
Because she was the one who prepared all the food, but I also got help uhh. Hehh.
And also because of many many reasons. Yepps.
I would also like to thank Mak Busu and Mus for helping out.
I really appreciate it. (:

1 week of holiday have past.
Time flies really really fast.
I got no idea what I did that time flies just like that.
Ohh mann, I better enjoy myself before my gerontology posting starts. Hehh.

Anyways, I'm going to jalan raya with my FB friends later. Yayy!
I can't wait to meet with you guys.

Okay lahh, I'll end here for now.
Hello & Goodbye.

7:41 AM

Friday, October 02, 2009



Yesterday, my mum and I thought of going to Geylang to buy stuffs for this Sunday.
But we didn't.
We going later instead due to certain circumstances. Hehh.

Seriously, I'm really excited for this Sunday.
But on the other hand, I'm quite worried if not many friends who I've invited turn up.
What makes me more upset is when my close friends didn't turn up, unless he or she is busy. Yepps.

But anyways, yesterday afternoon, on behalf of my parents, me and my younger bro when to Rafidah's place, Pak Ngah's place and Pak Busu's place.
It's my very last minute plan actually. Hehh.
We also actually wanted to go to Cik Idahh's place, but the time doesn't allow. Yepps.
But I have a great time with my bro.

I'm very excited for the FB Jalan Raya which is on Monday.
Talking about FB, by right, today there's a FB gathering.
But it's postponed.
I'm really looking forward for that gathering. JYEAHH!

Certain girls might not like my character if that girl is looking for the right guy.
I might not be the type of guy that girls will be crazy over.
I know that I'm not that hot, kental, slenge, blur..
It's true that I need to change.
And yes, I'll try to change.
But maybe, I'm not wanted for now.
Anyways, I'm going to move on.
To you, I just hope that you're happy.
And I also wish you good luck in finding your Mr Right.
I hope that we can still be friends.

Alrighty, I'll update soon.

9:10 AM

Thursday, October 01, 2009


I just don't know how to describe how I'm feeling right now.
But no worries, I'm okay! (:

Yesterday, Yatassha, Mariam, Fatimah, Hazim and I went to jalan raya.
Fatimah was driving. Yepps.
If no car, I don't think someone is willing to jalan raya. Haha.
We started with Mariam's place, then mine and lastly, Fatimah.
We actually planned to be at Mariam's place at 3 pm.
But we reached her place at 4 pm because we got 'star karat'. Haha.
But anyways, you all wanna know where we went to after Fatimah's place?
We went to have a karaoke session.
Karaoke is fun! I LIKE! Hehh.
I sang until I almost lost my voice. Haha!
So after karaoke-ing, we went home.
It's so nice of Fatimah to send all of us back home.
But I'm sad because they don't trust me. Hehh.

The day before, we went to buy tickets for our Bangkok trip.
We can actually book online.
So we asked Fatimah, "Why we all come all the way here to buy the tickets? We can book online right?"
And she replied, "I know. But I don't have Visa."
And Yatassha replied, "Makcik, I got Visa. Why never ask me?"
Soooooo ya. Haha.
So after that, Me, Yatassha, Mariam, Fatimah, Rabia and Tity went to Bugis.
After we ate, we went to have a sheesha session.
That was my second time smoking sheesha. Hehh.

Anyways, I still yet to get replies from some of my friends I've invited to my house.
I only invited some of my nursing friends and some of my secondary friends.
Sorry if I didn't invite all my friends.
And actually right, I kind of have a difficult time deciding on who to invite.
That's why I only invited my nursing friends and my secondary school friends.
I hope no one is upset. Yepps.

I've been thinking about this matter since just now.
I have lots of friends, but who are my true friends?

Okay lahh.
That's all for now.

11:45 AM

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Selamat Hari Raya! (:

Sorry for not updating for quite long.
I know it's kind of dusty, right Yatassha? Haha.
It's not that I don't wanna update, but I'm kind of lazy. Haha.

Today is the 9th day of Hari Raya.
I don't think I'm going anywhere, but I'm gonna meet my BFF today. Yayy!
We buying our tickets for the Bangkok trip. Yepps.
And we'll going to jalan raya together tomorrow. Yayy!

For the past few days, I didn't really go jalan raya.
On the first day, my family to my maternal grandfather's place.
On the second day, my younger bro, my second bro and I followed Cik Leha and family.
And last Sunday, Arief and I went to Amalina's place for open house.
My family didn't really go out because my grandfather is sick.
I hope he'll get well soon. Yepps.
But anyways, I'm really looking forward to jalan raya with my friends.

OT and ED posting was fun!
After going for that 2 posting, I have a rough idea of how that 2 departments are like.
But I really enjoy my OT posting the most. Hehh.
And guess what, I scrubbed a case. Yayy!

My exam result was out on the 23rd Oct.
My result was okay.
There isn't much change in my GPA.
But I failed my AN3.
And I did the supplementary paper yesterday.
I really hope I'll pass.
And insyaallah, I'll pass.
I don't wanna waste another 6 months in school.

I'm doing an open house this Sunday.
Those who've received my sms, please reply.
If those who didn't, but wanna come, just sms me. Hehh.

Okay luhh.
There's nothing much to update.

9:53 AM

Sunday, September 13, 2009


StageArts Annual Production 09, Faces Of War, was a blast!
Lots of positive comments were received.
Everybody have worked really hard to put up a great show.
And all the hardwork put in doesn't go down the drain.
Well done everybody!
Although I have not been committed much to StageArts, I'm still proud to be part of the family.
I realized that although I don't have any post, that doesn't mean I'm not important.
I'm actually equally important.
Once A StageArter, Always A StageArter.

After the production, Kaye, me & some of the juniors went to Toa Payoh.
We actually don't know where to go.
But some of them randomly say Toa Payoh then all just agree.
We eat, slack, smoke. Haha.
The juniors also did some surprise for Kaye when she was away to buy something.
It's so nice of them.
And it's so sweet of Julyha to make cakes for us.
It have been quite a long time since I went out with my SA peeps.
But I really have a great time with them.

Tomorrow, I'll be having ED posting.
I hope it's gonna be fun.

Okay, I'll end here for now.


7:59 AM